
Want to go solar? Here\'s everything you need to know

Have you ever taken a look at your electricity bill, which seems to be higher every time no matter what you do, and thought of switching to solar but did not know where to start? collected information from a few companies operating across Pakistan to answer your questions about how much a solar system costs, what types there are, and how much you can expect to save. Types of solar sys

Pakistan suffered climate-induced losses worth $29bn: World Bank

Weather- and climate-related disasters have affected over 75 million Pakistanis in the past three decades, with estimated economic losses of over $29 billion, or roughly $1billion a year, latest World Bank report estimated. The projected temperature extremes will progressively amplify the negative impacts on human health, livelihoods, and ecosystems that Pakistan is already experiencing, said t

Dar urges IMF, multilateral donors to offer greater policy support

Finance Minister Ishaq Dar on Sunday urged the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and multilateral donors to provide greater policy support. He asked the IMF to tailor its response to the situation in Pakistan and similar countries by taking into consideration the serious economic, social and political challenges that they face amid climate-induced calamities, according to a press release issued

Line losses

Pakistanis have grown up with the phenomenon of load shedding. In the poshest localities of Karachi, most apartment complexes come equipped with backup generators when the light inevitably goes off. Transmission and distribution (T&T) losses occur when the electricity generated is more than the amount delivered to end-users. It is extremely galling to think that your baby is awake all night cry

Inching closer to profitability

Some short-sighted staff members of Telenor Microfinance Bank Ltd (TMBL) dug a financial hole many years ago, and the bank is gradually crawling out of it at a huge cost. It may be hard to believe that a microfinance bank claiming to be one of the country’s top three financial institutions in terms of the number of “active” monthly customers is actually a loss-making enterprise for its sharehol