Lahore chamber slams Shehbaz’s performance

The Lahore Chamber of Commerce & Industry (LCCI) on Monday termed Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif’s performance unsatisfactory and urged him to deliver fast to put the country’s economy in the right direction. “This is a fact that he couldn’t come up to our expectations and perhaps he couldn’t deliver due to the much deteriorated economic situation,” LCCI President Mian Nauman Kabir told journalists at a press conference held on the eve of its “Evolution of Social, Political, and Economic Order, Past, Present, and Future of Pakistan” event. The LCCI office bearers said they were not holding the (bureaucracy), government responsible alone for all the mess, as all, including the civil establishment (bureaucracy), have contributed to creating the mess in the country. “The situation started worsening in 2016 due to political instability and inconsistent economic policies. The budget deficit also surged in 2017-18, a time for the transition of power from PML-N to PTI, and now has reached a record high level and it continues rising fast,” explained Mian Rehman Aziz Chan, the LCCI vice chairman. “I think it is the civil establishment, not the military establishment, that didn’t devise long-term policies to stabilise the economy,” he added.