Aurangzeb thanks provinces for passing agri tax law

Finance Mini­ster Muhammad Aurangzeb on Monday thanked the provincial governments for imposing the agriculture income tax (AIT), in line with the commitment made to the IMF. According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Finance, Mr Aurangzeb praised the passage of the AIT law, a key milestone in efforts to broaden the tax base. The statement followed the Sindh Assembly’s passage of the AIT law, which occurred on the same day the provincial cabinet approved the draft bill. Sindh was the last province to pass the law, ensuring that agriculture income tax will be implemented nationwide from July 1, 2025. The other three provincial assemblies had already passed similar legislations, including Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, led by the PTI, which approved the law last week. With this, the provinces have now completed uniform legislation for agriculture income tax.