Challenges of Reko Diq
Recent reports of security concerns raised by Reko Diq Mining Company (RDMC), following the perceived slowdown of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects in the region, underscore the risks of investing in Balochistan’s mineral-rich yet volatile landscape. “Mark my words, regardless of whether the additional security budget is justified, even if the government fulfils the Frontier Corps’ (FC) financial demands for guarding the Reko Diq Project, the security challenges will persist. In my view, the issue is fundamentally political and beyond the mandate of any security force,” remarked an executive from a local mining company with experience in Balochistan. “Lasting peace and a truly investor-friendly environment will only be achieved by respecting the aspiration of the local people, addressing their grievances with empathy and taking meaningful steps to earn their trust,” he added.