Public Acc­ounts Committee unhappy with PAEC, FBR audit objections

The Public Acc­ounts Committee (PAC) of par­liament while examining audit objections concerning the Pakistan Atomic Energy Co­mmission and Federal Bo­ard of Revenue on Wednes­day voi­ced dissatisfaction over syste­mic and procedural shortcomings resulting in losses worth billions to the exchequer. During the session held under the chairmanship of Junaid Akbar, irregularities amounting to Rs1.15bn were identified in the spot procurement for the Karachi Nuclear Power Plant, according to audit officials. However, PAEC chairman Dr Raja Ali Raza Anwar defended the purchases, stating that all procurements were made following the National Command Authority’s regulations. PAC members expressed dissatisfaction over the absence of Law Ministry’s representatives from the meeting and directed the secretary concerned to ensure participation in future meetings.