Our economic potential
“LORD, we know what we are, but know not what we may be.” Shakespeare alludes to human potential which is always higher than its present condition. Allama Iqbal elaborated on this idea in his famous couplet that translates to ‘elevate yourself so high that even God, before issuing every decree of destiny, should ask you: Tell me, what is your intent?’ Iqbal wanted every person to develop their ‘self’ to realise their individual and collective potential. If only they could invest their time and energies in elevating themselves through continuous struggle. As a 75-year-old nation, we know how weak our economy is, but are unsure about our economic future. We know that by devoting our collective energies, time and available resources to investment, our economy can be gradually strengthened. But we were unable to overcome our weakness and it seems futile after 75 years to even talk about attaining our economic potential.