Finance minister stresses export-driven growth

It is very easy to get trapped into a boom-bust cycle again, warned Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb on the opening day of the two-day Pakistan Banking Summit on Monday. Comparing the stabilisation phase to a “sugar rush,” he stressed the need for prudent decision-making to ensure this becomes Pakistan’s last programme with the International Monetary Fund. For that to happen, he emphasised, exports must drive economic growth. While reaffirming support for textile, agr­iculture, and IT exports, he made it cle­ar that the responsibility extends bey­ond these sectors. “Every single sector in the co­u­n­try has to contribute to exports,” he thu­­ndered, drawing applause from the au­di­ence. However, it is easier said than done. As the finance minister has pointed out on several occasions in the past, ‘we know what needs to be done, we just need to do it’.